Sunday 17th
I keep cursing myself for not making sure I had a camera with me last Sunday.
Around 100 people, ranging from environmentalists, politicians, residents and ramblers joined forces to take a short walk around the area that the government decided would be better off serving the needs of a small group of golfers.
I had never been to ix-Xaghra l-Hamra. My first impression was how huge the stretch of land was. I always knew that a golf course would use up a lot of space but being there rendered all the figures on paper superficial.
We took off. Step after step we were swallowed by a sea of garigue. The smell of saghtar flirted with my nostrils and I couldn’t help think that this might eventually become a mere slide show at the ex-Malta Experience.
We walked towards the cliffs and we waited for the sun to set. How many sunsets left till the bulldozers parade? How many sunsets left till it becomes a club members-only area? I invite all those who consider the golf course to be a good idea or a necessary evil to spend some time around the place. I invite them to learn about the rich flora and fauna of the area. I also invite them to walk up to Malta’s children and tell them that they have to sacrifice such beauty and space; that they have to sacrifice such experiences and sunsets; that they must be the lamb offering for the mighty god, the universal pimp.
Around 100 people, ranging from environmentalists, politicians, residents and ramblers joined forces to take a short walk around the area that the government decided would be better off serving the needs of a small group of golfers.
I had never been to ix-Xaghra l-Hamra. My first impression was how huge the stretch of land was. I always knew that a golf course would use up a lot of space but being there rendered all the figures on paper superficial.
We took off. Step after step we were swallowed by a sea of garigue. The smell of saghtar flirted with my nostrils and I couldn’t help think that this might eventually become a mere slide show at the ex-Malta Experience.
We walked towards the cliffs and we waited for the sun to set. How many sunsets left till the bulldozers parade? How many sunsets left till it becomes a club members-only area? I invite all those who consider the golf course to be a good idea or a necessary evil to spend some time around the place. I invite them to learn about the rich flora and fauna of the area. I also invite them to walk up to Malta’s children and tell them that they have to sacrifice such beauty and space; that they have to sacrifice such experiences and sunsets; that they must be the lamb offering for the mighty god, the universal pimp.
Hawn ras,
Kont ilni ma nidhol fil-blogg tieghek, u issa dhalt u sibt zewg bloggati fuq l-imxajtan kors tal-golf. Proset. Jiena kont hemm ghall-mixja wkoll.
Jiena bdejt nigbor informazzjoni biex nikkompila lista tar-ragunijiet (kemm jista' jkun b'evidenza xjentifika) il-ghaliex dak il-kors ma jistax isir. Jekk trid tghinni napprezza.
Thanks for your comments. I am not sure how I can help you but I'll try. Where can I contact you? I don't want to post email address on the web (spam, spam, spam). Can we get in touch through another blogger? I know Alex and Kurt. They both have my email.
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