Monday, October 10, 2005


Philip Beattie can make grandiose declarations about the ANR not being racist for the rest of his life. I don't believe it and never have. But let's give him and his buddies the benefit of the doubt. Can he ever deny that they're appealing to the most shallow of human emotions? Can he deny that the majority of the crowd present for the demonstration were there out of racial hate? Can he deny that his 'toilet of the Mediterranean' comment is racist in tonality? Can he deny that the ANRs demonstrations, statements and press conferences are not helping to defeat racism but are fueling it?
The ANR, in a demonstration of political opportunism, are milking the current situation in Malta to promote their twisted ideology which is shockingly reminiscent of fascism.

Of course, the ANR will deny everything. The facts, however, are far more credible than anything the ANR says. Click here.


Blogger Antoine Cassar said...

U biex tghaxxaqha, Beattie jghallem l-Università!!!

2:17 AM  

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