Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Mark Barnsley

"id-Dripht li kellhom id-diska Mark Barnsley?" he uttered.
..."X'sar minnu? Ilni ftit ma niktiblu".

While I always hoped that my lyrics would communicate a message, I never thought that anyone would actually be touched so much as to personally write to Mark Barnsley after listening to said song. So you can image the multiple tons of bricks that smashed my head as I learned that a lecturer of mine did exactly that. If I could explain in words the feeling I got from learning this, I'd be a writer. High is the word that comes to mind. Its a sense of achievment that no playlist or perspex stars can ever dream or hope of giving. Expression and communication are the key concepts in music. If both are present it's an explosion. One that should worry any oppressor.


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