Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I was recently asked, during a lecture, to look back on my education life. It was emphasized that we should take this exercise seriously. I didn't. Neither did I look at my past. I looked at my watch instead. In all honesty, I did try to walk down that lane but my memory was throwing RTOs* at me. I have a hard time with this memory thing. So I just bluffed my way out of the exercise...
Recently, however, I remembered something from school. I was taken back to the science lab during one lesson with Fester, my ex- science teacher dude. An ex-teacher and an ex-dude too I believe (God rest his soul). But anyway, he was teaching us gits about lab instruments. Not that I cared. Or anybody else, for that matter. I mean what twelve year old kid with an allergy for science would ever imagine that they will find any of that shit practical and useful? I tell you what kid: A short-sighted one. Here's why.
It was only last week, during a conversation about creative insults with il-Fre and another bloke, that the insight and long-term vision of our education system manifested itself. There, out of the blue, springing from my subconscious mind like Mr. Hanky the xmas poo; with no warning whatsoever and with the force of explosive diarrhoea, the Beaker popped in my head and without even a chance to pat myself on the back, out of my mouth. "Beaker hara!" I uttered, with the satisfaction and smile of a twelve year old boy who just realised how useful science is.
I don't know what it is but there's just something about that image that works. It's what could be refered to as a scientific insult. In fact it's my new insult of choice. "Ja beaker hara!" I will yell out of the window when road rage pays me a visit. Feel free to use it too. Just handle it with care. It's fragile and can make a mess out of your day.

* Ask any local rambler about this.


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