Thursday, March 23, 2006

The Don’t Give a Shit Club needs you

Sometimes blogging just becomes totally irrelevant. It usually happens when there are other important things on my mind. I don’t know how people manage to keep to it. Seriously. Is blogging a hobby? Sometimes I just don’t feel it. It's like: Who cares that I sometimes find the whining girls in my office amusingly pathetic? Who cares that they repeat the same conversations about men every sodding day? Who cares is they are as eloquent as a drunken snail? Who cares if they think that image is of fundamental importance in judging a person’s character? Who cares that I could have taken this idea and expanded on how the age of the image has turned people into objects trying to sell themselves to the world? Who cares about the concept of the ‘attractive-stereotype’? Who cares that this suggests that attractive people are also ‘more sensitive, kind, interesting, strong, poised, modest, sociable, outgoing, exciting, sexually warm and responsive (Asch & Fine, 1998)? Who cares if my co-workers would not date a person because his shoes are not stylish, and then whine about how there are no good single candidates out there? Who cares if they sing loudly to songs whose lyrics they don’t know? Who cares that I could have written a serious post about being stuck for one-third of your day with people you have nothing in common with except the ‘Current Employer’ section on your CV? Who cares if I couldn’t be arsed to write a serious post and instead opted for a bunch of ‘who cares?’ questions? Who cares if I had a shitty day yesterday? Who cares that my cat was wiping his arse across the floor yesterday? Who cares that I hate pulpetti? Who fuckin’ cares? Nobody.

Ps. Germany won…


Blogger Antoine Cassar said...

Who cares that this suggests that attractive people are also ‘more sensitive, kind, interesting, strong, poised, modest, sociable, outgoing, exciting, sexually warm and responsive (Asch & Fine, 1998)?

Qed nidħak !!

Fakkartni f'xi ħaġa li qal Franco Battiato f'intervista reċenti b'referenza għas-spettakli voyueristi fuq it-televixin:

"Non voglio sentirmi intelligente guardando delle persone stupide; voglio sentirmi stupido guardando delle persone intelligenti."

1:13 AM  
Blogger Hsejjes said...

'nobody wants a girl whose beauty is imperceptible to all but him; and so men welcome the stereotype because it directs their taste into the most commonly recognized areas of value, although they may protest because some aspects of it do not tally with their fetishes."
(Greer 1993)

1:19 AM  
Blogger Erezija said...

tajba ta' battiato twann!

patrick, I know what you're on about, as you no doubt recall my rants from a year ago on scaremongering

3:33 AM  

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